Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 176

ok so don't ask how I got to #176. I **think** that is the # I am supposed to be on, including the days that I have missed along the way. I'm too lazy to go back and count the days. I had a small change in plans today, when I got a call that my grandma had fallen and needed to go get checked out at the ER. Thankfully, all is A-OK and she is back at home with a good report from the Dr. While I was gone all afternoon, the boys had some male bonding time...complete with a purchase of an Air Hog Rocket Blaster. Jack thought it was awesome, even when his little foot could only make it shoot up in the air about 3 feet.

                        oh, and he also got a bucket stuck on his head---no more ER trips today, please

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