Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26

Guilty mom me confession:  I love McDonald's. I love fast food in general, but really I love McDonald's. Tonight my wonderful mom (Nana) took Elizabeth to dance so Jack and I could spend time alone together. So we had a date at "Old McDonald's"
I think the reason I love fast food so much is because I never ate it as a child. My mom almost always cooked dinner every single night. Unless we were on a trip- we didn't go out to eat. I don't know how she did it....I need to get a hot and ready at least once a week to save my sanity. So when I went to Auburn...I was in heaven being able to go out to eat as much as I wanted to. McDonald's, Wendy's, Milo's, Mama G's...all within walking distance....Brand X just a phone call away. Oh..the good old days. I would rather go to McDonalds or Wendy's or Sonic or wherever than to Outback.  Secretly...I am jealous of Morgan Spurlock in Supersize Me.  I could TOTALLY do that!  Ridiculous?  yes.  True?  sadly.

1 comment:

  1. So cute that you and Jack had a date at "Old McDonald's"! Like you, I never ate fast food as a child. My mom cooked every night, too. I am proud of myself if I cook 3 or 4 nights in a row. And, I type this as I eat the pizza we had delivered from Domino's...
