Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 214

These might be the crappiest pics ever from my phone.....but the show last night was one of the best yet. I've seen JJ Grey and Mofro around 7 times...and each one gets better. Katie and I got brave and made our way up to the stage this time instead of staying at a table--SO AWESOME. She got a wink and a smile from her main man Dennis, the trumpet player (possibly from her "I <3 Dennis" shirt....and we had an awesome night. I've said it before, but if you like music at.all.  you need to check them out. And if you ever get a chance to see them won't regret it. It will probably change your life---or at least for the night.  

This was Nashville 2008.  Love. 

here are a couple clips if you want to check them out

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