Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10: time for an intervention

Guilty mom confession:   My kids watch too much t.v.  There are many statistics published regarding children watching too much TV. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children under two should not watch any TV and children over age of two watch no more than two hours per day. The reality is the average two-to five-year old spends 4.5 hours a day watching TV or DVDs.  So on a positive note, at least I am under the average--but not by much. Especially on the weekends. I am very restrictive on what they watch (PBS or preschool DVDs only- no big kid nickelodeon, no sponge bob, no Disney past 8am, no commercials, etc), but not very restrictive on how much.They say children who watch a lot of TV during their early years are at an increased risk of childhood obesity, lack the ability to focus, have poor learning development and show aggressive behavior. I am a teacher!  I know this! I seeeeee these kids every day with these issues. Yet, day after day, it is just easier to turn on the TV because they are entertained and quiet. Walking through the living room taking this picture did not even seem to phase the 'zombie-like' state they were in. 

 I mean, LOOK at Elizabeth! She looks like she has been given 2 doses of Benadryl!  ugggghhh....I am going to make a real effort to restrict or schedule TV time.  Jerry threatens to pull the plug on our cable very frequently...maybe I need to let him.  (After I catch up on my DVR'd Grays, Private Practice, Intervention, Hoarders, Castle, First 48 and Modern Family...)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I did a post on this recently too! Your kids are press!
    xoxo, Susannah
